Follow not what you have no knowledge

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Follow not what you have no knowledge And follow not ( O man, i.e. say not or do not or witness not) that of which you have no knowledge. Verily the hearing, and the sight, and the heart of each of those ones will be questioned.(Al-Qur'an Al-Isra' 17:36)

This verse has a lot of meaning to me and how I define it. It asks you not to follow anything that you have no knowledge . Every human has a big responsibility to themselves. We have to seek knowledge, to read, to understand, to ponder and to find the truth and knowledge by using our heart, eyes and ears because at the end, we will responsible for all our actions and decisions in our lives. Nobody is bearer of other people's sins. Something or anything that raises doubts and questions are worth to be studied and ponder further so that we are not in error and further from the truth. To find the truth takes a lot of actions and efforts. Many people are just satisfied with the knowledge, information or belief that they have and live with that for the rest of their lives.

And among men is he who disputes about Allah without knowledge or guidance , or a Book giving light (from Allah).(Al-Quran; Al-Hajj:8)

Something that must and worth to ponder on as follows;

1) There is no verses in the Bible where Jesus (p.b.u.h) claimed himself directly as God or asked his people "Worship me". Is this information satisfy you or raise a doubt ? God says in Al-Quran

"O My Slaves who believe!Certainly spacious is My EarthTherefore, Worship Me"(Alone)(Al-Quran A-Ankabut 29:56)

Can you find any verses similar like this in the Bibble ?

2)The likeness of Isa (Jesus as ) is like Adam as. Allah creates what He wills"Verily, the likeness of Jesus in Allah's sight is like the likeness of Adam. He created him from dust, then said to him, Be!, and he was."(Quran Al-Imran 3:59)
What make you disbelieve this?

Every Muslim believes it.What make you disbelieve the Quran?There are a lot of explanations about Trinity and they are very confusing.The truth should always be simple and easy to understand.Find out about about pagan religions and their Gods e.g. Osiris, and why there are similarities with Christianity beliefs.

Are you just a follower but not a believer ?

And they worship besides Allah for which He has sent down no authority , and of which they have no knowledge; and for the Zalimun (wrongdoers, polytheist and disbelievers in the Oneness of Allah) there is no helper. ( Al-Quran Al-Hajj 22:71)

And those who disbelieved, will not cease in doubt about it (this Quran) until the Hour comes suddenly upon them, or there comes to them the torment of the Day after which there will be no night (i.e the Day of Resurrection )
( Qur'an Al-Hajj 22:55)

Have they not traveled through the land, and have they hearts wherewith to understand and ears wherewith to hear? Verily, it is not the eyes that grow blind, but it is the hearts which are in breasts that grow blind. (Al-Quran Al-Hajj 22:46)

You reject this verse but accept the disturbing sex stories in the Bible?

3)Pagan Religions: The Cult of Mithras – So many Similarity with Christianity beliefs. A pure coincidence or a copy? Jesus Christ origins from the pagan gods.

During the Roman Empire besides, Mithra was one of most successful religions besides Christianity and other antiquities. The religion emerged at almost the same time as Christianity. Mithra was derived from the ancient Persian (Iranian) God of light and wisdom. In the course of time, the religion developed and become very influential particularly on Rome’s army officer and legionaries. In the 2nd and 3rd centuries, Mithra religion was equal in strength to Christianity, and both sects competed with Rome’s many traditional divinities. To obtain influence with and protection from Roman emperors, both sects resorted to denunciation, accusing each other of blasphemy and of imitating sacred ceremonies. The conflict went on for decades until finally Emperor Constantine (who was the sole ruler in the Western Roman Empire) declared Christianity in favour of Mithra to be the state religion.

He was called son of God
He was crucified.
He was born of a virgin on December 25th.
He was considered a great travelling teacher and master.
He had 12 companions or disciples.He performed miracles.
He was buried in a tomb.
He was atoned for the sins of mankind
After three days he rose from the dead .
Mithra was called "the Good Shepherd."
He was considered "the Way, the Truth and the Light, the Redeemer,the Savior, the Messiah."
He was identified with both the Lion and the Lamb.
His sacred day was Sunday

Some 19th-century historian scholars like Ernest Renan held the opinion that "had Christianity fallen victim to a deadly disease soon after its birth, the world would now worship Mithras"
I doubted that.

The cult of Mithra's ideology and ideas are still alive and very similar with Christianity beliefs.

Paul, a Jew, bore Hebrew name Saul , the apostle to the Gentiles was an expert on Pagan religions and follower of Mithra.. Many believe that he was the real founder of Christianity and not Isa ( Jesus p.b.u.h)

The knowledge about him comes from his own letters and from Book of Acts by his companion Luke. 4) Paul- The real founder of Christianity.Out of the total 27 Books of the New Testament, more than half is authored by Paul. He never met Isa (Jesus p.b.u.h) all his life.Extracted from Wikipedia , the free encyclopedia, discription of Paul .Saul, also known as Paul, Paulus, and Saint

Paul the Apostle, (AD 3—67) is widely considered to be central to the early development and spread of Christianity, particularly westward from Judea. Many Christians view him as an important interpreter of the teachings of Jesus. Paul is described in the New Testament as a Hellenized Jew and Roman citizen from Tarsus (present-day Turkey), and as a persistent persecutor of early Christians, almost all of whom were Jewish, prior to his "Road to Damascus" experience, which brought about his conversion to faith in Jesus as Messiah, not only for Jews, but for all, regardless of ethnic background.

Paul made the first great effort, through his Epistles to Gentile Christian communities, to show that the God of Abraham is for all people, rather than for Jews only, though he did not originate the idea; for example, see Isaiah 56:6-8 or 'proselyte', or Simon Peter's vision of the sheet descending from Heaven in the Book of Acts.Paul is venerated as a Saint by all the churches that honor saints, including those of the Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and Anglican traditions, and some Lutheran sects. He is the 'patron saint' of the City of London and has also had several cities named in his honor, including Sao Paulo, Brazil and Saint Paul, Minnesota in the United States.

He did much to advance Christianity among the Gentiles, and is considered to be one source (if not the primary source) of early Church doctrine, and the founder of Pauline Christianity. His epistles form a fundamental section of the New Testament.

Some argue that he was instrumental in establishing Christianity as a distinct religion, rather than a sect of Judaism, as Christianity was first known.Due to his body of work and his undoubted influence on the development of Christianity, many modern scholars have considered Paul to be the founder of Christianity, who modified Jesus' teachings and added important new doctrines. However, this view remains controversial.

Many Christian scholars say that no teachings were modified, and assert that Paul taught in complete harmony with Jesus. Some Christians, however, particularly those who embrace dispensationalism, believe that Jesus' teachings are for the Jews — especially those teachings found in Matthew — and that Christians necessarily have a different belief system since Christianity, according to this perspective, only arose as a result of the rejection by the Jews of Jesus as their Messiah.5)The teachings of Paul.Resurrection of Christ"Remember Jesus Christ, raised fom the dead, a descendant of David - that is my Gospel"(The letter of Paul to Timothy (2:8)Original sins"Sin came into the world through one man (Adam) and his sin brought death with it. As a result, death has spread to the whole human race because everyone has sinned"(The letter of Paul to the Romans 5:12)Son of GodPaul gave new meaning to the term "son of God" which is common in Biblical language."Immediately he(Paul) began to proclaim Jesus in the synagogues saying "He is the son of God"(Acts 9:20)Isa (Jesus p.b.u.h) as GodPaul modified the status of Jesus gradually from mediator between God and man and finally 'equal to God ''For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus"(The first letter of aul to Timothy 2:5)"Through Him (Jesus) God was pleased to reconcile to Himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven by making peace through the blood of His Cross"(The letter of Paul to the Collossians 1:20)"For if while we were enemise , we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son"(The letter of Paul to the Romans 5:10)"For in Him all the fullness of deity dwells bodily" (The letter of Paul to the Collossians)

Paul, Christianity and Mithraism

6) Why there are many illicit sex stories in the Bible including rape, incest etc. ? The stories are very disturbing and very pornographic too.

Some example as follows;

Judah and his daughter- in-laws

But Onan knew that the children would not belong to him (i.e would not carry his name) so when he had INTERCOURSE with his brother's widow (Tamar) , he let the semen spill on the ground, so that there would be no children (no name) for his brother .Genesis 38:8-9Father have full control over their daughters"If a man takes a wife and, after laying with her, dislikes her and slanders her and gives her a bad name, saying, 'I married this woman but when I approached her, I did not find proof of her virginity,' then the girl's father and mother shall bring proof [how do you think they would do that?] that she was a virgin to the town elders at the gate. The girl's father will say to the elders, 'I gave my daughter in marriage to this man, but he dislikes her. Now he has slandered her and said, 'I did not find your daughter to be a virgin.' But here is the proof of my daughter's virginity.' Then her parents shall display the cloth [the father would literally stick his two fingers covered with a piece of cloth into his daughter's vagina before she gets married and keep that bloody cloth for as long as his daughter is married] with before the elders of the town, and the elders shall take the man and punish him. (NIV Bible, Deuteronomy 22:13-18)"

Doesn't it disturb you? How do you explain to your kids and how can you accept it and what made you accept such disturbing stories in the Bible

Incest in the BibleLot and His two daughters
30. Now Lot went up out of Zoar and settled in the hills with his two daughters, for he was afraid to stay in Zoar; so he lived in a cave with his two daughters. 31 And the firstborn said to the younger, "Our father is old, and there is not a man on earth to come in to us after the manner of all the world. 32 Come, let us make our father drink wine, and we will lie with him, so that we may preserve offspring through our father." 33 So they made their father drink wine that night; and the firstborn went in, and lay with her father; he did not know when she lay down or when she rose. 34 On the next day, the firstborn said to the younger, "Look, I lay last night with my father; let us make him drink wine tonight also; then you go in and lie with him, so that we may preserve offspring through our father." 35 So they made their father drink wine that night also; and the younger rose, and lay with him; and he did not know when she lay down or when she rose. 36 Thus both the daughters of Lot became pregnant by their father. 37 The firstborn bore a son, and named him Moab; he is the ancestor of the Moabites to this day. 38 The younger also bore a son and named him Ben-ammi; he is the ancestor of the Ammonites to this day.(Bibble Genesis 19: 30-38)What kind of messages do these disturbing sex stories send to the children, parents , society of anybody who read it? It is definately a bad message and example .

7) Quran talks about creation of human beings and animals.
Allah has created every moving (living) creature from water . Of them there are some that creep on their bellies , and some that walk in two legs, and some that walk on four. Allah creates what He wills. Verily, Allah is Able to do all things. (Quran An-Nur 24:45)This is one of scientific miracles of the Quran.

8) There are not many virgins left in Christian world . The Christians lost them as early as possible in their teens. Read about the life of Christians teenagers in USA. What does the Bible says about sex before marriage and why most Christians purposely being ignorant about it? Don't they believe the Bible?

9) Isa (Jesus p.b.u.h ) is a prophet in Barnabas Bible
It is interesting to note that there were bishops during the first three hundred years of the Church that were teaching that Jesus (pbuh) was a prophet. It was only after the conversion of Emperor Constantine that the doctrine of the Trinity was introduced.

10) Most religions somehow believe in human form's God. Most religions are worshipper of human being, except for Islam .
1) Christian - Prophet Isa (Jesus p.b.u.h) as God
2) Hindu -Brahma, Vishnu and Siva
3) Buddha - Buddha4)Sinkh- Guru Nanak

12)No crucifixion- no Christianity
Christian theology is centered around the death of Jesus. All Christian beliefs about God, creation , sin and death have their focal point in the crucified Christ.Don't you agree with this statement.
13) Jesus (Isa p.b.u.h) was put to death by his people and he did not volunteer himself to the cross. Some said Romans and other said Jews who responsible for his death.The main point here, he was forced to his death and this is well described in the Bible.

14)Who killed Isa (Jesus p.b.u.h) ? The Jews or the Romans?
The Jews Said We killed Him- Quran says They Killed Him Not, Nor Crucified Him And because of their (Jews ) disbelief and uttering against Maryam[Mary (sa)] a grave false charge (that she has committed illegal sexual intercourse) ; And because of their saying (in boast) " We killed Messiah 'Isa (Jesus) son of Mary , the Messenger of Allah, -but they killed him not, nor crucified him , but appeared so to them [the resemblance of Isa (Jesus) was put over another man (and they killed that man)], and those who differ therein are full of doubts. They have no knowledge, they follow nothing but conjecture. For surely , they killed him not [ i.e Isa (Jesus), son of Maryam (Mary)sa] , But Allah raised him [Isa (Jesus)] up unto Himself. And Allah is Ever All-Powerfull, All wise. .(Qur'an An-Nisa 4:156-157)

15) The mission of Isa (Jesus p.b.u.h.): A Prophet only to the Lost sheep of the house of Israel ( only to the Jews people at the time and not to all human races )In the GospelHe Isa [Jesus (p.b.u.h)] replied, " I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel." (Matthew 15:24)" These twelve ( Isa' disciples) Isa [Jesus(p.b.u.h)] sent out with the charge: Do not go to the Gentiles nor enter a Samaritan city, but rather go to the lost sheep of the house of Israel."( Matthew 10:5-6)In the Qur'an"We granted Our favor to him [Isa (as)] , and We made him an example to the Children of Israel."( Qur'an 43:59) "And Allah will teach him [Isa(as)] the Book and Wisdom, The Taurat (Torah) and the Injil (Bible) , And appoint him a Messenger to the Children of Israel...

16) The mission of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w was to give messages to to all human races in the world.He was the last prophet.Blessed is He Who sent down the criterion (of right and wrong) to His slave (Muhammad s.a.w) that he may be warner to the Alamin (mankind and jinn)(Quran Al-Furqan 25:1)

17) Darkness in the sea (1000m below)
Or [the unbelievers' state] are like the darkness of a fathomless sea which is covered by waves above which are waves above which are clouds, layers of darkness, one upon the other. If he puts out his hand, he can scarcely see it. Those Allah gives no light to, they have no light. (Qur'an; An-Nur 24:40) This is such a beautiful verse. Can you give better comparison than this ?


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